Friday, May 14, 2010

Wk2 Topic Educational podcasts

Why? the science show for kids, is a great podcast that explains a lot of the whys and what ifs students think about in school. It covers all sorts of topics from space, to life, to evolution, to chemistry. A great resource for teachers too.

science made fun is a British program that also covers all you need to know about science. There are video podcasts as well, making this site well worth the visit. Student and Adult friendly… though some students may have a hard time with the accent.

This is a great informational podcast on how to use podcasts in class, why to use them, and which are the best ones to visit. This one is a great place to get ideas, try stuff out, and find some other great podcasts.

This is for HS physics students, created by a teacher in Chicago. This is a great place to watch video podcasts, and he has even been on Jimmy Kimmel Live Show, so he has some notoriety. Obviously for HS students and Science teachers.

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