Thursday, May 27, 2010

wk 4 topic: Response to Alicia Kalb

Alicia's post

My response:

I so agree!

We do need to take responsibility for why things are the way they are. As teachers, we often hear it is the kids fault, especially if the teacher has no classroom management. In my hallway, you can tell which kids are on which teams because of how they behave with adults, in the hall, and of course lunch.

The 2 other teams kids run up and down the hall, throw food at lunch, scream happy birthday everyday and have cupcake fights. All I have to do is look at my students and they know not to. Yet all I hear is how horrible their students are, never do they admit that they let the bad behavior happen because they ignore it, especially at lunch. They never even bother to look at their students unless administration walks over their first. Of course it is the horrid kids, not the lack of care or attention from the teachers.

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