Sunday, May 23, 2010

wk 3 Topic: Trying to introduce a new program

I was involved in my district’s science curriculum revision. Sitting with a buch of science teachers who were keen on the work was a piece of cake, and quite fun.

The hard part came when I had to sit with the 7th grade science teachers, 2 of whom had been teaching for 20+ years and inform them that the structure and focus of their units needed to change. It was no longer necessary for students to learn parts of a plant, they now needed to see how each organism is capable of reproduction.

They were not interested in change, both were almost retirement age and were burnt out, the last thing they wanted was to face change. It took a lot of convincing, and in the end, though they said they would follow the new standards, I became aware that they were not. Thankfully that problem went to the lap of the principal and not mine!

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