Friday, May 14, 2010

Wk 2 Topic: Response to Alicia Kalb's post


I have to say that you have very insightful comments. I too have seen teachers lie about typos or mistakes. I am one who has no problem admitting I made a mistake. The one thing I need to work on, is when a student has a tone...I tend to get a little ruffled. I admit that I am not perfect, but with 7th graders, sometimes they have this demeaning tone when they point out a mistake. So I need to remember to not react with tone as well, though sometimes I do.

I love the idea of having your students conduct, I do the same with having them teach the class. It is beneficial twofold. First, because they then become experts in what they are doing, learn it even better. Second, they get an idea of what we teachers go through, which is very healthy for them!

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