Thursday, May 27, 2010

wk 4 topic: Response to Deborah Cowden

Deborah's Post

This week’s project is to research where I want to publish or do a presentation, and formulate my research article or presentation.

My ARP critical friend, Enrique Ramos, suggested that I publish or present with the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME). I forwarded his encouraging email to leadership at ISKME and am waiting for their reply. (Here’s his email:)

On May 22, 2010, at 7:29 AM, Enrique Ramos wrote:


I saw you on the Big ideas fest videos, I could recall lots of feelings. By the way, I also found out that ISKME is announcing a Fest for 2010. And they also say something on their webpage, that they would like to know of links of work created after the 2009 Fest. I think there should be a report of your findings and accomplishments for the fest. I want to go back to Half Moon Bay, but I do not have money for that...Anyway, I think you should present your work and results.

As a Plan B, I plan to contact ISTE and Silicon Valley Computer Using Education (SVCUE) groups for publishing and/or presenting.

My Response:


Very encouraging remarks from Enrique, I agree with your plan to publish to ISKME and hope it works out for you. Would to present if they asked? That could be an exciting possibility for the fest.

I am glad they are having us publish our work, that makes it all the more real and valuable.

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