Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wk 1 Response free choice, Response to Alicia Kalb

It have been stunned all year with how much we have in common. I have felt the same way, second best, since I was little. Part of it had to do with Mrs. Smith, the evilest teacher in the world, who would make me cry on a daily basis.

One year I was non-renewed as a teacher due to restructuring, and it had me second guessing my teaching. Then I got a job in Goffstown NH. They treated me not only with respect, but also with support and as a leader. I realized that in life, there will be people who make you feel great, and people out to try to steal your "first."

I also vowed that as I became a teacher I would never let my students feel hated. I also vowed to find those quiet kids who try to hide, and show them the attention and love that they need so they cannot try to disappear.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Isn't it amazing to know how our experiences shape us as teachers.

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